To the all kind-hearted people,who
                                           are ready to give a lending hand to     
                                           anyone who needs their help!

There is a nice kindergarden in Giumry,which is situated in Gorky street,100.The kindergarden has a quite distinct goal-to bring up not only physically healthy,but also morally steady children. For this aim,the teaching staff of the kindergarden calls everyone who can support them financially for solving these problems. To help children from less supported families,who want to attend our kindergarden,where they have a nice time,forget for some time their
family problems.

Here is our address:Kindergarden XXIII "Giumry Mankik,"
                  Giumry,Republik of Armenia.

Tel. (37441)2-45-82(office)

Headmaster of kindergarden:Rita Melkonyan

Send your support by the following account:





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